Keynote Forum
Prof. Ignat Ignatov
Prof. Ignat Ignatov Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics, Bulgaria
Keynote: Effects of Electrochemically Activated Water Catholyte and Anolyte on Human Health
Time : 9:00am

Prof. Dr. Ignat Ignatov DSc was born on January 1, 1963 in the town of Teteven, Bulgaria. In 1976 descrebes a phenomenon in which little apertures act like optic lenses. In 1989 Ignatov majored in physics from “Kliment Ohridski” Sofia University with master degree. In 1996 he founded the Scientific and Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB) of which he is also an owner.Prof. Dr. Ignat Ignatov was a consultant of the National Center of Public Health at the Ministry of Health until 2003. The Bulgarian scientist is involved in research projects for the study of biophysical and medical effects for the influencing of human health.The Bulgarian scientist is member of Interdisciplinary thematic group, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) for studying the properties of activated waters with head Ass. Prof. Georgi Gluhchev.From 2007 Ignat Ignatov is honorable doctor in European Academy of Natural Sciences (Germany). From 2013 he is Doctor of Science and Professor in The Russian Academy for Natural History.Prof. Ignatov is editor in chief in Bulgarian Journal of Public Health, Ministry of Health.Prof. Ignatov is Chief Editor of two US journals. They are Journal of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics and Health, Medicine and Nursing. The Bulgarian scientist is editor in chief in European Journal of Molecular Biotechnology,European journal of Medicine, Research & Reviews in Biosciences, Magazine Eurasian Science, Cell & Cellular Life Sciences Journal, Journal of Mycology & Mycological Sciences and Discovery Biotechnology.Prof. Ignatov has more than 400 scientific publications.The scientific directions of Prof. Dr. Ignat Ignatov DSc are – structure of water, origination of life and living matter, mountain water and longevity, high frequency color coronal discharge, nanotechnologies, astrobiology, biological effects in heavy water, entropy and time in living matter, visual analyzer, biophysical fields, biotechnologies, shungite.Prof. Dr. Ignat Ignatov has scientific publications jointly with Ass. Prof. Dr. Oleg Mosin, Prof. Anton Antonov, Prof. Marin Marinov, Ass. Prof. Georgi Gluhchev, Dr. Hugo Niggli, Prof. Christos Drossinakis, Prof. Reneta Toshkova, Prof. Stoil Katadzhov etc.From 1998 Prof. Ignatov is co-autor of spectral method Differential Non-equilibrium energy spectrum (DNES). From 1993 the basic author is Prof. Anton Antonov. In 2007, the Bulgarian scientist created the Method of the color coronal spectral analysis. In 2008, together with Prof. Marin Marinov, he established an electromagnetic concept of vision. In 2010 Prof. Ignatov, together with Ass. Prof. Mosin, created a concept for the origination of life and living matter in hot mineral water.. As of 2012, research has been undertaken in Bulgaria on the scientific and practical project “Factors of Longevity”.The project results were presented at the World Age and Demographic Forum, St. Gallen.The Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics together with Teteven Municipality organized for the first time in the world "Days of Mountain Water". Prof. Ignatov is a member of the Public Council of the Bulgarian National Water Council.
In the process of electrochemically activation of water with electrolysis are obtained catholyte and anolyte. The device is called electrolyzer and is separated into two parts with
a semi-permeable membrane. In the two sections are put two electrodes with direct current. These are cathode and anode for the waters catholyte and anolyte.
The properties of anolyte and catholyte are measured with pH and Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP). The indicator pH gives information about the acidity and alkalinity of the liquids. Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) is associated with electron transition processes. There is a dependence between oxidation-reduction processes and antioxidant.
The physical-chemical properties of the catholyte and anolyte determine their activity. The optimal values for catholyte for ORP are (-200 - -400 mV) and for pH (8.5 – 9.5). For the anolyte they are (+500 - +600 mV) and for pH (3.5 – 4.5).
The following processes take place in the two sections of the electrolyzer.
In the cathode section:
(1) 2H2O + 2e- → H2 + 2OH- .
The hydrogen gas that is produced separates, and the water obtains an alkaline reactivity.
The catholyte has reduction properties and there is an increase in the number of the electrons according to the control sample and negative ORP.
In the anode section
(2) 2Ð2О → 4е- + 4Ð+ + О2
The separated hydrogen ions and oxygen molecules lead to an increase in the acidity of the anolyte.
The anolyte has oxidation properties and there is decrease in the number of the electrons according to the control sample and positive ORP.
The values of pH and ORP of the catholyte and anolyte after certain amount of days following the water activation, change in different ways during the time. The catholyte preserves its high alkality (pH > 8.9) for about a week, but its oxidation-reduction potential changes rapidly and becomes almost zero after the second day. On the contrary, the corresponding values of the anolyte change insignificantly (about 10%) after almost a year.
The indicated properties give unique acting properties of the activated water. During the process of electrolytic decomposition particles or components are created that cannot exist outside the solution. The increased quantity of monomolecules causes changes in viscosity, diffusion, thermal and electrical conductivity, the surface tension and the catalytic activity of the catholyte and anolyte.
Water is the natural and necessary medium for most biological molecules. Changes in its composition and structure can have stimulating or inhibitory action on the processes in the living things. The increased catholyte reduction leads to increased antioxidant effects on bio
molecules. Due to this reason the catholyte has protective and positive effect for oxidation stress-connected diseases such as diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and side effects accompanying hemodialisys. There is stimulation of immunology system. Clinical examinations carried out by different scientists have demonstrated positive effect in cases such as difficult healing wounds, diabetes of type 2, telomere shortening at the cancer cells and inhibition of their growth, suppression of side effects caused by the use of anticancer medications, favorable influence on the blood system. Investigations have proved that the activated water was not toxic for cells and tissues, and did not have mutagenic, cancerogenic, embryotoxic or immunotoxic effects.
The high oxidation of the anolyte has a strong biocidal effect on various microbes, bacteria and viruses, which leads to their retention or complete destruction. Rapid healing of wounds and inflammation, suppression of herpes and rhinitis viruses, etc. are observed. Anolyte completely eliminates Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria in in vitro experiments.
About the mechanism of action of catholyte and anolyte
The mechanism of influence of activated water on the living matter is not quite clear. The observed anomalous properties of this water could directly or indirectly be referred to one or other activity, but for the present a full explanation of the process is not still available. Generally, the explanations concern the high alkalinity of the catholyte and the antioxidant effect in bio molecules, and the high acidity of the anolyte and the increased acidity stemming from this. Some observations of the authors suggest that the following hypothesis could take place. The catholyte obtained during the electrolysis has a different hydrostatic pressure than the blood plasma i.e. it is hypertonic relative to it. This will intensify increased flowing of intracellular liquid which contains oxidized substances resulting from the cell metabolism. Thus, the cell waste cleaning will be stimulated.
According to the authors, the unique properties of the catholite and the anolyte can be explained by hydrogen Ð+ ion. It has oxidizing and reducing properties. This makes it possible to achieve a balance of oxidation / antioxidant against reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals. In cancer, the intracellular water is acidified. The catholyte is alkalinized and, due to its higher surface tension and viscosity, separates the adhering erythrocytes. Free electrons have an antioxidant effect on biomolecules. There are evidence for the improve the quality and quantity of erythrocytes. This will lead to an improvement in immune system status.