Mar 22-23, 2021
The organizing committee is delighted to welcome you to attend the “International Webinar on Immunology” which is set to happen as an webinar event at Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 22nd and 23rd of March. The conference focuses on enlightening the researchers about the “ Trend and advancements in Immunology”. This conference focuses on bringing together the researchers across various specializations and to enlighten the community.
We gladly welcome all the researchers to attend this global webinar.
Reasons to attend this webinar :
Target audience :
Immunology :
Immune system is the major health care system within the human body which plays an important role in eliminating the unwanted organisms that affect the system. Immunology helps in understanding how the immune system works in affecting the infections that influence the working of system one way or another. Human system with less immunity are prone to infection and it is essential to maintain proper hygiene. Other than protecting the system, immunology plays a major role in transplantation process by stabilizing the organs to the receiver so no immune response is directed towards the healthy received organ.
The Immune System:
The immune system is the most potent defense mechanism of the human body which is primarily responsible for eliminating the microorganisms and other agents that are not a part of the immune system. The invading microorganisms are referred to as antigens and the immune system is responsible for providing antibodies, which are the major source of eliminating the antigens. The amount of antibody responsible for eliminating the antigens vary depending on the time intervals. Once known, the antibody has the potential to eliminate the antigens at a faster rate. They can be referred to as the ‘ second line of defense’ as they influence after the WBC’s activity in eliminating the pathogen.
Cells of the Immune System:
The cells plays an pivotal role on eliminating the antigens. The cells are found in some internal organs and are influenced once the antigen comes into action on those regions. The cells can be found on bone marrow, thymus, spleen etc. If antigen were to affect that regions, the specific cells within the region will act as the first line of defense to eliminate the pathogen. The internal organs are more prone and will get easily affected once the pathogens enters the system. It is essential for those cells to act quickly so as to eliminate those organisms.
Oncoimmunology :
Cancer is an medicinal condition in which the cell starts to multiply rapidly and are difficult to control. The multiplication of cell results in damaging the body tissues. Oncoimmunology focuses on complex reaction associated with the cancer cells and the immune system. This helps in understanding the interactions associated with these cells and how they can be developed into an cancer-killing response by stimulating the immune response. The process involves identifying an unique antioby response to the cancer cells by generating cytotoxic T-cells, which can eliminate the cancer cells. The process of integrating immune response with respect to cancer cells are still an work in progress and can significantly improve the recovery rate.
Computational Immunology
With the arrival of systematic methods of vaccine identification, Computational immunology rose into existence by providing some cutting edge results in the world of vaccines. Computational immunology or system immunology involves the identification of antibodies by using bioinformatics and statistical analysis and mathematical models. With the recent advancements in computational analysis, immunology associated with computational methods provides clear and evident results that will help in identifying proper results in terms of drug identification.
Allergy and Immunology
Allergy can be referred as an involuntary action exhibited by the human system with respect to the immune system. Allergic reactions are stimulated with respect to the antigens, which are physical in most the cases. Allergies are commonly considered as harmless but are considered severe in some cases. The allergies varies with respect to environment and also related to foods. In some cases, some of the vaccines used for personalized treatments are also considered to be an antigen and may provoke an antigenic response from the immune system. Allregists helps in providing solutions to those conditions.
Immunization or vaccination is a process which involves in subjecting the children to an antigen to improve their immune response. The antigen that are given to the newborn are referred to as an immunogen. The immunogens are considered to be antigen in this process as it helps in providing an immune response and at the same time it helps in maintaining the system intact. The use of immunization is to improve the immunological memory of the system as it will help in reducing the half-life of the cells and also react to the invading antigens at a faster rate.
Immunotechnology :
Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary study which focuses on using and combining various technology to provide results in the domain of medicine and research. Immotechnology involves in using biotechnology methods to diagnose and treat an medicinal condition. Development of immunotechnological methods helps in identifying a suitable response to the antigen and also helps in providing suitable diagnostic procedure to eliminate the antigen. For industrial applications, the antibodies that are developed using this method are highly resourceful. For diagnosis of each diseases vary and suitable procedures can be provided for identifying the cause and suitable solution to treat that disease.
Autoimmune Diseases :
The sole purpose of the immune system is to identify and eliminate the invaded bacteria or viruses or any other form of disturbances which occurs because of it. In some cases, the immune system identifies the hosts normal organs or any other activities as an antigen and generates antibodies. This in-turn affects the normalcy of the human activity and may damage that essential organs. They are referred to as autoimmune diseases. In general perspective, the immune system has the tendency to identify the organs but in some cases, it will recognize some parts such as joints as antigens and may result in damaging it.
Stem Cell Immunology :
For patients associated with cancer, chemotherapy is the major source of after-treatment as it helps in killing cancer cells at a faster rate. During these time, the immune system may be weak and thereby are prone to any airborne or contact related diseases. Stem cells have the potential to regenerate the immune system at a faster rate and activate it. The stem cells also have the ability to treat primary lymphoidal organs such as thymus which helps in developing t-cells and b-cells. They actively involve in development of dendritic cells and t-cells subsets thereby improving the immune response.
NeuroImmunology :
Neuroscience involves in studying the major characteristics that are concerned with the study of structure and functioning of the nervous system. Neuroimmunology helps in understanding the systematic relationship between the neuronal activity and the immune system. Some neurodegenerative diseases are difficult to cure under any activity and neuroimmunology focuses on identifying the immunological way of treating such diseases. Cytokines and chemokines are the major immunological cells which modulates the CNS activity. If they are to be generated in lesser amounts, it may result in causing some of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease etc. Regulating such cells and maintaining proper brain function is essential to run a proper human system.
Immunodiagnosis :
The major source of diseases are the viruses, bacteria and other physiological characters. However, in some cases, the cause for such complications are not clearly understood. By utilizing immunological markers, different tests are carried out with respect to blood, serum, plasma etc. These biological markers combine with the compounds to provide fruitful results for treating such conditions. The process involves simple testing mechanism for some diseases. For testing some diseases such as HIV, the process is complex and logical details must be considered before indulging in the testing process. Newly automated blood testing machines are being developed by some of the most prominent research companies to identify better diagnosis for any disease.
Immunotoxicology :
The process of drug development begins from identifying the lead compound to the complete fruition of the products. The drugs may affect an individual that may affect the immune system. Immunotoxicology studies helps in identifying the toxicity of foreign substances which are referred as xenobiotics. Excess or more amount of xenobiotics may cause some after effects. This includes immunosupression, autoimmunity and hypertension respectively. The excess amount of such xenobiotic toxicity can substantially multiply the cells and may cause cancer. The FDA has provided some strict guidelines regarding the toxicity level of drugs and food and are screened.
Pediatric Immunology :
Pediatric immunology is an branch of medicinal science that concerns with the health care and treatment of children and their metabolic activity. At an early age, the immune activity of the young ones remain dormant. Pediatric immunology focuses on identifying the problems concerned with the immunological and allergic reaction that occurs on children. The immune system tends to generate antibodies that are useful in eliminating the invading organisms. But, the same mechanism tends to not work on viruses as they are more virulent and have a greater effect. In some cases, the immune system becomes over-active and damages the internal organ. For such instances, Allergist provides comprehensive treatment mechanism for such conditions.
Immune Tolerance :
Immunological tolerance is an condition in which the ability of immune system to elicit an immune response for a certain period of time. The immune system will provide an immune response to treat the antigens. During the process, the memory cells play a major role in retaining the memory of the immune response with respect to the antigen. The immune tolerance method helps in identifying the unresponsive cells to that antigen. They also helps in regulating the immunological movement in the system and distinguishes between the antigens and existing cells. They also play a major role in graft replacement process and other medicinal processes.
Viral Immunology :
Virus are highly active and have the tendency to damage the immune system and can affect the system at a faster rate. Most of the viruses are highly immunogenic and can have considerable damage to the system. Unlike bacteria, the outer layer of viruses are made up of proteins, which layers the entire outer region of viruses. In such cases, the antibodies cannot react to it. Viral immunology helps in providing research ideas for treating viral diseases and to reduce them. The viral immunology research studies focuses on identifying the disease treatment required for treating various types of viral infections.
Clinical immunology :
The immune system are subjected to various kind of infection and have the ability to generate specific response against any antigen that comes to existence within the system. Clinical immunology helps in studying diseases that are associated with the failure or damage of the immune system. One of the cases which clinical immunology focuses on is the allograft process. In some cases, the immune system rejects such grafts and thereby generates antibodies that are not necessarily needed and thereby damages the internal system. Clinical immunology research works focuses on the working mechanism of the immune system and its way to act once the antigens enters the body.
Immunodeficiency :
The major function of the immune system is to fend off the antigens by generating antibodies. But in some cases, the immune activity of some humans become very less or none by some intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Immunodeficiency is an medicinal condition in which the human system loses its ability to generate antibody against the invading antigen. Some of the extrinsic factor is the usage of immunosupression drugs that are given during the period of transplantation. Immunodeficiency in an individual makes the system more vulnerable to diseases as the immune system will not respond to any antigen. Medicinal researches are being done to reduce such activity.
Immunogenicity :
When an immune system is subjected to any external entities such as antigens, the first step of action taken by the immune system is to generate an suitable antibody to treat that antigen. Immunigenicity refers to the ability of an antigen to provoke a response by the immune system. The immungenicity are primarily checked on vaccines which helps in identifying the immune response. The vaccines are considered to be antigens sometimes and will generate a immune response. The vaccines are highly immunogenic and will generate necessary response to treat any diseases.
Systems immunology :
Systems immunology is one of the new and upcoming immunological process which uses mathematical models and computational methods to analyse the immune system and also to analyse the immune activity of cells. The usage of mathematical models provides a dynamic yet unique approach that can be used for the analysing immunity. A molecular network is developed by using mathematical model which can be used to analyse the antigen-antibody interactions.